Sacred Touch Body Shaman


To me, a shaman is simply one whom is able to be present too, aware of, and in the moment with different worlds at once. In the case of my bodywork, the worlds are your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. I work to gather data and listen to how these parts of you are relating to and contributing to the thing your there to see me for. For example, the lack of claiming your purpose or gifts, the beliefs and thoughts you tell yourself about not choosing them, the way you feel and react emotionally to them, and the physical expression of pain in your body are all inter-related. I help guide you into shifting the way you’re holding the energy, while shifting context, belief, emotions and physical expression of it all so that you can truly transform and change the expression of that pattern.

The Sacred aspect of Sacred Touch for me comes from the personal internal practice that I drop into while doing a session. It is a form of movement meditation where I am allowing the natural rhythm of my and your energy bodies to flow together and then listen to how that is wanting to move, breathe, ground, twist, turn, relax, etc. etc. I attempt to get out of the way as much as possible and allow the God or life force that flows through us all to provide the inspiration, the actions and the healing for both you and me in the moment.